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Editorial Title-Plan of the Statistics Poland and RSO

Publication announcements

No. Type Document title Date of publication
1 Publication 20 years together. Poland in the European Union 04.06.2024
2 Publication A picture of Poland. Statistics for SDGs 18.07.2018
3 Publication A summary of the methodological study „Students commuting to schools in Poland” 22.02.2022
4 Publication Accidents at work and work-related health problems 29.07.2021
5 Article Accidents at work and work-related health problems in the 2nd quarter of 2020 15.12.2020
6 Publication Accidents at work in 2022 30.11.2023
7 Article Accidents at work in the first half of 2024 - preliminary data 10.09.2024
8 Publication Acquiring indicators of e-government system 13.02.2019
9 Publication Acquisition of indicators in the scope of e-government to support the monitoring and programming system of cohesion policy in the financial perspectives 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
10 Publication Acquisition of new indicators in the scope of health care useful for availability and quality of public services assessment (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
11 Publication Acquisition of new indicators in the scope of public safety useful for availability, quality and efficiency of public services assessment (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
12 Publication Acquisition of new indicators in the scope of spatial planning and housing useful for availability and quality of public services assessment (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
13 Publication Acquisition of new indicators regarding the implementation of public services in the scope of social participation (POPT 2007-2013) 31.12.2013
14 Article Activities Of Associations And Similar Organizations, Foundations, Faith-based charities, Business and Professional Associations In 2022 - preliminary results 19.12.2023
15 Publication Activities of non-profit organizations in 2015: management and cooperation 30.11.2017
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