Terms used in official statistics

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Passenger-kilometres by rail


The sum of passenger-kilometres in transport of passengers with paid tickets in national and international transport and in carriage of passengers using free charge tickets on the basis of separate provisions of law.

The amount of passenger-kilometres is calculated:

1) for transport of passengers with paid tickets in national transport, as the sum of products of the number of passengers transported in individual relations and the tariff distances of their trips,

2) for transport of passengers with paid tickets in international transport, as the sum of products of the number of passengers transported in the territory of Poland in international transport in individual relations in the territory of Poland and tariff distances of these relations.

The tariff distance of passenger travel in the territory of Poland in international transport is assumed as:

a) for departure from Poland abroad - tariff distance from departure station specified in international transport ticket to the border point of departure,

b) for arrival to Poland from abroad - the tariff distance from the border point of departure to destination station specified in international transport ticket,

c) for transit through the territory of Poland - the tariff distance between border points of arrival and departure, accounting for travel distance, specified in international transport ticket.

High-level terms

Contact person on methodology:
Urząd Statystyczny w Szczecinie
